Hydrangea pan. ‘Diamand Rouge’PBR | P9

Hydrangea pan. ‘Diamand Rouge’PBR | P9

Hydrangea pan. ‘Diamand Rouge’PBR | P9

A real innovation! This new Hydrangea, found by Jean Renault, is exceptional because of its abundant and long-life flowers. It is the paniculata with the most red flowers! At the beginning of July this Diamond Rouge is covered with large full flowers (up to 30/40 cm). The flowers open white. Then the diamonds colour pink. Around August they turn into a spectacular radiant purple/red. Height is 1,5 m and width 1,20 m. Diamond Rouge prefer humus rich soil. In the full sun/semi shade and pruning at the end of the winter. With the Diamond Rouge you get diamonds in your garden!
Availabilty1584 in stock
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