Diervilla – three colors, all bee-friendly

Diervilla attracts bees, butterflies, and… us

Diervilla is an interesting shrub that allows you to create colorful combinations because there are varieties available with green, yellow, and maroon leaves. All of them are frost-resistant, and the flowers attract bees and butterflies.


Bush honeysuckle – Diervilla, belongs to the family Caprifoliaceae and grows naturally in eastern North America. The plant was called after a French surgeon Dr. Martin Diereville, who introduced this plant to Europe around 1700. The plants grow usually 1-2 m up and similar diameter. Works well in home gardens, urban greenery and everywhere where strengthen and hold the ground is necessary because has a strong and extensive root system.

Depending on the variety, the leaves are green, yellow or maroon, in the autumn they all turn to yellow-orange-red and become real eye-catchers.

Diervilla rivularis Honeybee PBR – low maintenance, bright yellow leaves, resists temperatures as low as -35°C. Perfect for shrub borders, mass planting, landscaping and also as a colorful solitary on your terrace. Likes half-shade positions. Maximum size: 80 cm high and 100 cm wide. Flowers appear in June-July.

Diervilla sessilifolia ‘Butterfly’ – low maintenance, can be planted in light soil and with limited sunlight. Butterfly has green, healthy leaves and yellow flowers in June-August. Maximum size 1-1,5 m. Very hardy.

Diervilla rivularis Diva® – low maintenance, beautiful dark maroon leaves and bright yellow flowers in June-July. Likes sunny positions, is very hardy. Maximum size 1-1,5 m.

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