Hydrangea pan. ‘Limelight’® | P9

Hydrangea pan. ‘Limelight’® | P9

Hydrangea pan. ‘Limelight’® | P9

Hydrangea paniculata 'Limelight' flowers from the second half of the summer into autumn with elegant creamy white to lime-colored flowers. The bushy flowers have sturdy branches that do not tip over, even after a heavy rain shower. 'Limelight' flourishes on new wood and is a fully hardy and carefree plant. Firm annually pruning reinforces blooming.x0dx0ax0dx0aIn order to extend the sales period of Hydrangea paniculata 'Limelight', Leen Konijn of Veluwe Plant developed a new concept. It was his wish to be able to also sell the shrub without any flowers. Since the imprint provides all important information about licensing and use, this way of selling disbands from using license labels.x0dx0awww.hydrangealimelight.nl
Availabilty31129 in stock
LabelPlease contact us for a preview of the label

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