Ilex is a magical plant and a holy Celtic tree

ILEX, KNOWN AS A HOLLY TREE, HAS MAGICAL QUALITIES In the past, that was a holly Celtic tree. In England, planted near the house, protects against witches. In Ireland, people plant holly a little further away from the house so as not to disturb fairies who like to live in it. Ilex is well established […]
Evergreen. But not coniferous.

Evergreen plants are much more than just traditional Thuja, Juniperus, or Picea Among the evergreen plants that are perfect for a hedge, we have Prunus laurocerasus (Laurels) and Prunus lusitanica (Portuguese Laurel). How are they different? Prunus lusitanica grows up to several meters in height but has a narrower habit than Prunus laurocerasus. They also […]
Cotoneaster has flowers like dewdrops on a spider’s web

Cotoneaster has flowers like dewdrops on a spider’s web This is how, in our opinion, the white, delicate Cotoneaster flowers look like in spring. Densely and regularly embedded on shoots, they are not only beautiful and impressive but also attract bees. In summer, the Cotoneaster looks modest with its dark green, leathery leaves (remember, however, […]
Prunus laurocersus Sofia is frost resistant to -25ᵒC

Prunus laurocerasus Sofia is exceptionally beautiful and… resistant to frost, and at the same time is evergreen. Sofia has very nice, narrow leaves with serrated edges. It looks much more delicate (and also more exotic) than other laurels. It can be planted as solitaire or in groups, e.g. as a hedge. In sunny positions, […]