Morus – mulberry is not only for silkworms
Mulberry (Morus) is associated with China, silkworms, and noble, elegant silk. And rightly so. However, in our climate, mulberry is primarily a beautiful, decorative tree of fruit-growing importance.
Its dark, oblong fruits resemble blackberries and ripen from June to September. They are sweet, delicate, with a sour aftertaste. They are tasty as fresh, as well as in the form of jams, juices, cake additives, and other sweet treats.
The mulberry tree has a nice, regular habit and looks good in gardens and public greenery. It has large, green leaves that turn yellow in autumn. We can plant it in a semi-shaded place but in a sunny one, we will get bigger and tastier fruits. Morus grows best in light, airy, and moderately fertile soils. In colder parts of Europe, on too fertile soils, it can become woody too late and freeze over. Because fruits sometimes fall down we advise planting dark fruit varieties so that they do not stain sidewalks and cars.
All parts of this tree (fruits, leaves, roots, and bark) can be used for medicinal purposes because Morus alba has antioxidant, antibacterial, antiviral, and detoxifying properties. Its healing properties are used, among others:
- in anti-atherosclerotic and anti-cancer prophylaxis,
- to support the treatment of diabetes and blood cholesterol levels,
- to achieve better weight loss effects and prevent excessive weight gain.
Each part of the plant has different healing properties. Dried fruits have a strengthening and regenerating effect on the body. Jams protect cells against damage, delaying the aging process.
In our offer you can find a few varieties of these interesting plants:
- Morus alba ‘Milanowek’, a Polish variety that grows up to about 8 m in height. It bears abundantly. Fruits are tasty with firm flesh.
- Morus rubra ‘Illinois Everbearing’ is a cross between Morus alba and Morus rubra, which reaches about 8 m in height. The fruits are large, dark, and appear already on 2-3-year-old plants.
- Morus rotundiloba BonBonBerry® Mojo Berry (‘Matsunaga’PBR) is dwarf and compact. It only reaches a height of approximately 1.5m that makes it suitable for any garden. It’s self-pollinating and produces berries over a very long period, from May right through until September. Looks beautiful as solitary on a terrace or patio but also in the border or a mixed container. Hardy to -10 ºC. This dwarf mulberry is a result of 40 years of work of Mr. Hajime Matsunaga who, when he was 90, achieved what he tended to for so many years! Congratulations! His effort was awarded. Morus Mojo Berry (Morus rotundiloba BonBonBerry® Mojo Berry (‘Matsunaga’PBR)) got a bronze medal at GrootGroen’s novelties competition 2019.