Hydrangea arborescens. You can rely on its flowering and hardiness

Hydrangea arborescens works perfectly in a garden and urban greenery. It’s a typical low-maintenance plant. A sunny or semi-shaded place is enough, spring pruning, regular watering, and fertilization (preferably once a season with long-acting fertilizer) and … we can enjoy impressive flowers throughout the summer. Depending on the variety they are white (Annabelle), salmon (Candybelle® Marshmallow), […]
Hydrangea arborescens Candybelle® Marshmallow – the gold medalist from Moscow

Hydrangea arborescens Candybelle® Marshmallow has been recognized as one of the most interesting new plants that appeared on the market this year. Marshmallow, like other varieties of Hydrangea arborescens, is hardy and easy to grow. A strong spring cut and regular watering are enough to enjoy large, light pink (salmon) flowers every year. The […]
Hydrangea arborescens ‘Golden Annabelle’ – two-color beauty

Hydrangea arborescens Golden Annabelle is something especially for the fans of Hydrangea arborescens. The novelty launched in 2018 is like a younger sister of the normal ‘Annabelle’. The main difference between Annabelle and Golden Annabelle is in the leaves color. ‘Golden Annabelle’ has beautiful, golden-green leaves. Pruned shortly in the spring will bloom abundantly […]