Cranberry – a handy first aid kit in the backyard garden

Cranberry – Vaccinium macrocarpon can slow down the aging Because our hobby is to search for pro-health characteristics of plants that we offer for sale, we have explored the topic of cranberry. It turned out that the fruits of this small, evergreen shrub are practically irreplaceable! Such a handy first aid kit in the […]
Vaccinium corymbosum Flamingo PBR – looks and tastes great

Vaccinium corymbosum Flamingo PBR, as a “child” of Bluecrop, offers us tasty and sweet fruits, and additionally, looks really great and unique, because of its light pink leaves. The blueberry Flamingo is a tasty morsel for plant collectors who are looking for interesting specimens. Flamingo combines extraordinary beauty with practical application. It fructifies like any […]
Vaccinium Pink Lemonade seduces with pink and sweet fruits

The pink berries of Vaccinium ‘Pink Lemonade’ offer something unique in its edible fruits. The translucent white berries, which ripen to a lush, bright pink color, taste wonderfully sweet with a clear, firm texture. Vaccinium Pink Lemonade was bred as a result of crossing Vaccinium ashei and Vaccinium corymbosum, Pink Lemonade, and because of […]